Gypsy Wagon & the Double Arch

Gypsy Wagon & the Double Arch

Day 86 – Emily’s Entry  - July 7 – 8:15am – Avalanche Ranch Gypsy Wagon – Colorado

We’re staying in a “Gypsy Wagon.” This little girl’s dream wagon has walls of bright pink, yellow, green, and blue. Floral décor embellishes the petite room. The loft-style bed lies next to a small window with colored daisies in a flower bin.

This adorable place to stay has hot spring pools to swim in. The pools overlook several mountain peaks. Natural minerals in the water and the heat took us to another level. It was easy to imagine our worries evaporating with the steam out of the 104º water.

Day 86 – Corey’s Entry – July 7 – 9:15am – Avalanche Ranch – Gypsy Wagon, Colorado

Now we live in a Gypsy Wagon on Avalanche Ranch. The wagon is a little tight inside. It would only take 3 seconds to clean up but 2 seconds to get messy. The natural hot spring pools have pebble floors to massage your feet as you move around. We have beautiful views of mountains as we sit back. Kids play around the ranch and dogs chase each other.

We met our cabin neighbor  Carolyn, who I’ll never forget. She asked us what we were having for dinner. “Ramen and a PB&J,” I said. ”Oh No,” she replied, “I’m going to get you some lasagna.” We politely declined, but she insisted and brought us two plates of delicious dinner and strawberry salad. We ate every bite. The generosity of strangers has really strengthened my faith in humanity. From gifts of advice to flashlights to dinner, I feel blessed on this journey. Avalanche Ranch is definitely a place to call Home.

Day 87 – Emily’s Entry – July 8 – 8:44am – Double Arch – Arches National Park, Utah

As we entered this place, Corey kept making fun of me because of how many times I repeated, “Wow!” I’ve never seen anything quite like this before. We’re staying in the Devil’s Garden Campground.

Enormous arches have formed in the red sandstone over time from wind and rains slowly washing creases in the rock into full-blown arches. I've read and heard time and time again that America is always changing. I believe it! Nothing can keep this country tame or one way for long.

It always amazes me how many different landscapes America has. I am so proud to live in such a gorgeous country. So many things contribute to the wildness of America from terrain to beast, but the true wildness and adventure that makes this country great lives in the hearts of the people.

Day 87 – Corey’s Entry – July 8 – 9:13am – Double Arch – Arches National Park, Utah

Natural arches made by the earth over millions of years here create such a unique sight. I think this is the first time I’ve ever been stoked about geology (Sorry, Bart). I won’t bore you, but it has a lot to do with salt and ancient oceans.

I really wanted some shots of the Milky Way through an arch, however the clouds had a different idea. We set out on a night hike anyway. Have you ever been hiking in pitch-black night in a place you’ve never seen before? It’s surreal and a bit scary. I’m glad Emily was with me. A shot of liquid courage also helped. We hiked until we found an arch or neat structure to shoot. The sky was cloudy, but we managed to get some starry sky shots.